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She Talks Hair

5 Top Tips for Long & Luscious Natural Hair!
She Talks Hair

5 Top Tips for Long & Luscious Natural Hair!

Vulnerable confession here! Today as I write this article I am suffering from devastating hair loss due to severe heat damage from my last hair appointment. The tears still don't compare to the large clumps of hair that I have seen hit the drain over the last 3 months. After crying and going through major bouts of disbelief, I had to dust myself off long enough to pray for wisdom on how to proceed. Can you relate, sis? In an attempt to salvage what's left of my hair, I am having to go back to the basics that got me to my almost waist-length hair just earlier this year. I decided to share my 5 top tips for long & luscious natural hair with you so that we can get into this hair journey together! Let's get into it! 1. Moisture is Key For Length Retention Photo by Craig Adderley ...
Got Scalp Buildup?
She Talks Hair

Got Scalp Buildup?

 Have you found yourself finally getting a handle on your haircare journey only to find yourself still dealing with Scalp Build-up? Not to worry! This article has you covered with 7 different all-natural remedies to help fight even the toughest of cases. Why Scalp Buildup? Scalp buildup can occur for a few different reasons. Consistently adding products directly to the scalp without fully removing the products when washing. Using co-washes on wash day instead of a good clarifying shampoo. Some skin conditions such as eczema, Seborrheic (seb-o-REE-ik) dermatitis, and psoriasis. Overproduction of dead skin on the scalp. No matter why you find yourself dealing with it, however, it can be easily (and naturally) fixed by one or multiple of the below natural scalp rinses. (There ...