Monday, May 6Your Premier Destination For Elevated Conversation

Do It Anyway

Hello Family, about a month ago one of my Motivation Monday topics was called, “What Is In Your Hands?“. The point of the message was to get us motivated to use the gifts we currently have in order to live the life we want to live. When I delivered this message I felt a little nudge toward something that was completely outside of my comfort zone, but not outside of my “hands”. I decided a few weeks later to take a leap of faith and execute on that nudge, and I am proud to say that I hosted my very first online class last week, teaching a design program that I’ve used for years to help build my brand!

The morning of the class I was confident, excited, and motivated, but as the time grew closer to the start of the class I grew frustrated, frantic, and frightened. I wrestled with thoughts like, “Who in the world do I think I am teaching someone Adobe Illustrator?” and “What if someone in the class asks a question that I don’t know, how embarrassing would that be?“. These thoughts became even more intense as technical difficulties pursued moments before the class began. 

My mind eventually remembered a few times in the past when I felt this exact same way. A moment where I went face-first passed my personal boundaries into uncharted territories. (I remembered the fear of failure spilling over into my already racing thoughts, giving my racing heart and sweaty pits a run for its money.) Yet, my biggest memory wasn’t how bad I felt before the event, but the amazing feeling of accomplishment and overwhelming feeling of thankfulness to God afterward.

So scared, I said a prayer, hit “start” on my Zoom screen, and watched as the only two people that signed up for the class trickled into my waiting room. The class proceeded as planned without any major hick-ups (aside from my internet going out midway through), and while the fear never completely left me, it began to be overshadowed by my thankfulness to God for helping me get through yet another major boundary-buster.

(see pic below)

My encouragement to you today is simple:

If there is something you’ve been procrastinating on because it is SERIOUSLY outside of your comfort zone, this week is the PERFECT week to do it. Do it despite the fear and excuses! You’ll thank yourself for it later. 

Why? Because we don’t do things that knock us out of our comfort zone just for the fun of it.

We do things that make us uncomfortable because with each step forward we are re-writing the script that told us we couldn’t do it in the first place. 

We don’t just give fear a black eye and still let it control what we do or say. We hand fear our faith card instead, which says in all bold letters: “I’M DOING IT ANYWAY”

And when it’s game time, let the butterflies in your tummy remind you to say a quick prayer for strength, and while scared and all, do it anyway!

How about you? Have you done anything lately that was completely out of your comfort zone that afterward you were so thankful you did?

Join the conversation, I want to hear.

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